Get connected with local businesses

Book service professionals nearby you for all your repair needs.

Any.Repair makes things easy

For businesses to reach out to customers and for customers to book trained professionals. All these just with a few clicks.

Browse services

Categorised services suiting your needs

Request for quote

View bids and chat with businesses

View rates

Rate cards for services at your fingertips

Schedule for later

Book a service for now or schedule for later

Track visits

Track visits of professionals on maps


Give and get reviews on overall quality

A win-win for businesses

Comprehensive dashboards to manage customers, staffs and track KPIs

Monitor your services and view customer insights. Staff mobile apps to manage services and customer expectations. Interact with customers. All these under one roof.

Mobile apps
for customers

Dashboards for
business owners

Mobile apps
for business staffs

Benefits you, benefits all

Any.Repair covers it all

A social utility that helps you find local service providers easily and helps local businesses in providing you with quality services.

  • Easy to use features for customers
  • 360° overview for business owners
  • Features enabling quality service delivery for staffs

App Screenshot

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Want to advertise with us?

Want to advertise your business in our app and reach out to customers? Write to us at and we will keep you notified.

Download Any.Repair on your mobile

If you are a business service provider,download the staff application for Android and iOS. Contact us at for any questions or information.